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ATM 371, Apparel Product Analysis, 3 s.h. ATM 470, Apparel Brand ֱ, 3 s.h. Request for Change of Minor Fashion Merchandising Request for Change of Major Family and Consumer Sciences (Hotel/Restaurant ֱ Option) Curricular Requests from the Department of History Requests for New Courses HIST 115, World History to 1500, 3 s.h. HIST 116, World History Since 1500, 3 s.h. HIST 211, Technology and Science in World History, 3 s.h. Requests for Changes of Minors History Legal History Modern Global History Requests for Changes of Majors History (Option A) Pre-Law (Option B) History Teacher Education (Option C) Council on General Education (Diane Sandage, Chair) Requests for Inclusion in General Education HIST 115, World History to 1500, 3 s.h. HIST 116, World History Since 1500, 3 s.h. HIST 211, Technology and Science in World History, 3 s.h. Ad Hoc FLGI Subcommittee (Jill Myers, Chair) Status Report Senate Nominating Committee (Dennis DeVolder, Chair) Old Business Council for Instructional Technology (Anna Valeva, Chair) Recommendation on IT Pre-Proposal #42, Google Apps for Education at WIU New Business NEXT MEETING JANUARY 27, 2014 UNION CAPITOL ROOMS Bbcdmw|}~Ǽymdm\TLAmdh#h#OJQJhUOJQJh9#OJQJh[{OJQJh#>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJh#hdfOJQJh9@dOJQJh#h 2OJQJh#h[OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJ\hU56OJQJh[{56OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJh#hr7OJQJ h#hr70JCJOJQJaJh#hr7CJOJQJaJBcd}   H gd9#^gdS^gd# & F,gd#gd# & F,gd#gddf $ & Fa$gddf!gddf$a$gddf    @ G H ` y  2 4 ; < G H L S U n o  ! 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