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Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Nancy Parsons, Chair) Requests for New Courses a. AAS 320, Black Male and Female Relationships, 3 s.h. b. CHEM 263, Introduction to Pharmacology, 3 s.h. c. CHEM 463, Advanced Pharmacology, 3 s.h. d. KIN 138, Road Cycling, 1 s.h. e. KIN 459, Individual/Team Sport Coaching, 2 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to a maximum of 4 s.h.) 2. Request for Change in Option a. Physical Education Teacher Education Option 3. Requests for Changes in Minors a. Coaching b. Finance C. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines Committee (Jennifer McNabb, Chair) 1. Request for WID Inclusion a. KIN 477, Physical Education Curriculum, 3 s.h. D. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (David Connelly, Katrina Daytner, Kevin Hall, Robert Hironimus-Wendt, Nathan Miczo, Chair) 1. Evaluation Summary of President E. Committee on Committees (Kevin Hall, Chair) 1. ֱ Report IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Proposed Resolution Regarding Coverage of Dependents Under the Domestic Partner Benefits Policy B. Proposed Resolution for Establishment of WIU Lactation Rooms C. Proposal for a Faculty Senate Class and Textbook Database Committee NEXT MEETING APRIL 15, 2008 UNION CAPITOL ROOMS 3ABbdmntyz  Ž}vohaYR hyh6hyh6>* hyhY hyh| hyhNO hyhG< hyh@ hyhhyh>*hyhr7>* hyhr7 hyh$ph!xhr75>*CJ\aJh 2h>56]h]p56]hOpJ56] hr76] hr70J hr75\hr7hr7CJaJhr75CJ\aJ Bcdz  . / = > ^  |^`|gd.M |^`|$a$ - . / 0 2 < > ? 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