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CSTM 440, Green & Sustainable Construction, 3 s.h. ECON 471, International Monetary Economics, 3 s.h. ENGR 220, Computational Methods for Engineers, 3 s.h. ENGR 453, Geotechnical Design, 3 s.h. ENGR 460, Steel Design, 3 s.h. ENGR 461, Concrete Design, 3 s.h. MET 320, Professional Preparation in Engineering Technology, 2 s.h. FCS 463, Casino Operations, 3 s.h. POLS 306, Politics and Game Theory, 3 s.h. Request for Change of Major Broadcasting Engineering Request for Change of Minor English Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy Request for New Minor Outdoor Leadership Request for New Option Pharmacy Council for International Education (Kevin Bacon, Chair) Requests for Discipline-Specific Global Issues Designations POLS 322, Political Systems of Europe, 3 s.h. POLS 465, Genocide in Our Time, 3 s.h. RPTA 462, International Tourism, 3 s.h. SSED 495, Teaching with a Global Perspective, 3 s.h. Committee on Committees (Gloria Delany-Barmann, Chair) ֱ Report Old Business Committee on Committees Bylaws Amendment Second Reading and Vote New Business Revisions to BOT Regulations for Tenure and Promotion of Assistant and Associate Deans and Vice Presidents Executive Session Report from the Council on Provost and Presidential Performance Presidents and Provosts Evaluation Summaries NEXT MEETING APRIL 26, 2011 UNION CAPITOL ROOMS Bbcdmnouz{|}~Ǽ~~sg^gVNFh#OJQJh& OJQJhQ)OJQJh#>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJh#hdfOJQJh#h 2OJQJh#h[OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJ\hLk>h!o56OJQJh"756OJQJhQ)56OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJh#hr7OJQJ h#hr70JCJOJQJaJh#hr7CJOJQJaJBcd{   ^gdQ)^gd# & F,gd#gd# & F,gd#gddf $ & Fa$gddf!gddf$a$gddf    D E g h i   N O b c d | ~   - . &TUttttttlhOJQJhq\hq\OJQJhq\OJQJhQoOJQJh#hk[OJQJhk[OJQJh?~FOJQJh#h?~FOJQJh_'h_'OJQJh_'OJQJh<OJQJhQ)OJQJh#OJQJh#>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJh#h#OJQJ* B C I T ^ _ # D E h i  & F,gd_'^gd_' & F,gd_'gd# & F,gd#^gd<p^pgdQ) & F,gdQ)^gdQ) & F,gdQ)     O c d } ~  . 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