

Reserve Policies and Procedures


  • Faculty may need to complete a Faculty Copyright Sign-Off form.
  • Faculty must be aware of, and in compliance with, copyright law as promulgated in the Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom, Research and Library Reserve Use, (ALA, 1982). Photocopies and electronic formats of journal articles and single chapters from texts may be used for one semester before it is necessary to obtain copyright permission.
  • This policy restricts the amount copied, use of multiple copies and items retained for more than one class. Please contact the Reserve Manager or Access Services Unit Coordinator for more information.
  • American Library Association's "Fair Use Evaluator"
  • Dr. Kenny Crews' (Columbia Univ.) "Fair Use Checklist"


  • Books, periodical articles and other materials for classes may be placed on reserve for one semester. At the end of each semester all items will be removed from reserve unless other arrangements are made. Books will be returned to the library collection and personal copies will be returned to the professor unless the faculty member contacts the Reserve Manager or Access Services Unit Coordinator prior to the end of the current semester.
  • Items requested for subsequent semesters must be submitted on the Reserve Materials Request Form, available at the reserve desk or online at: www.wiu.edu/libraries/access_services/courseReserves.php. Please include complete bibliographic citations for all requests. The Reserve Department will retrieve any books or journal articles found in the Malpass Library’s collection. All other materials must be provided by faculty. Books from other libraries obtained through interlibrary loan may not be placed on reserve.
  • Materials are added to Reserve in the order received. At the onset of the semester, because of the volume of requests, items on your reserve list may not be available for 7-10 working days after we receive them from faculty. For the remainder of the semester materials will be available to students within 48 hours. Please contact the Reserve Manager or Access Services Unit Coordinator with special processing requests.
  • Faculty may submit requests to their library liaison for books needed for reserve that are not in the Library’s collection. The Acquisition/Cataloging Unit will try to expedite these requests but it is advisable to submit requests well in advance. Contact Acquisition/Cataloging for more information at 298-2735.
  • Personal copies of books or journals and desk copies of textbooks may be placed on reserve for 2-hour in house use. These materials will be returned to faculty at the end of the semester. The library will NOT be responsible for damage or loss of materials.
  • For electronic reserve a variety of options are available from scanning paper copies to linking to online full-text sources. Contact the Reserve Manager or Access Services Unit Coordinator for ERes guidelines.
  • Documents on ERes will be deleted from the database at the end of each semester. Items will not be kept on reserve permanently without consultation with the Reserve Manager or Access Services Unit Coordinator.
Contact Information
Reserve Coordinator
Unit Supervisor