
University Policies

Approval Date: 10/20/05
Revision Date: 10/28/08
Approved By: President

Administrator Selection Procedures

Provost and Academic Vice President

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for the appointment of a Provost and Academic Vice President will be initiated when the President officially announces to the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a.) and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The President will notify the Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The President shall select a Vice President.
    2. The Dean's Council shall select a Dean.
    3. A Department Chair shall be selected by the President from nominations from the Chair's Council.
    4. One faculty member from each college shall be selected by procedures established by the Faculty Senate.
    5. Two at-large tenured or tenure-track faculty shall be selected by the Faculty Senate.
    6. One representative shall be selected by the University Professionals of Illinois.
    7. The President shall appoint a non tenure-track faculty member.
    8. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the civil service employees within Academic Affairs.
    9. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the Administrative Professional staff within Academic Affairs.
    10. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall each provide a student representative.
    11. At the President's discretion, additional employees from any constituent group may be added with the proviso that faculty majority shall be maintained.
    12. A representative of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    13. The Faculty Senate recording secretary shall serve as secretary of the search committee and an ex-officio member.
    14. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall act as Chairperson of the committee.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Provost and Academic Vice President. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position both from the faculty and from those not presently serving on the University faculty in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality. The committee shall ordinarily recommend to the President at least three candidates.
    2. The committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: the President, the Faculty Senate, UPI, the Student Government Associations, Deans, the Vice President for Student Services, the Vice President for Administrative Services, the Vice President for Advancement and Public Services, the Vice President for the Quad Cities Campus, Planning, and Technology, Department Chairpersons, additional constituencies as desired by the committee, and such others as may be specified by the President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide each of the persons or groups listed in b. above, in writing, a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the President. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. The committee shall provide the interviewers with a form prepared by the committee for evaluating each of the candidates interviewed. The committee shall invite additional written comments from any of these interviewers. The committee shall set a reasonable deadline when the forms and comments must be received prior to the time the committee meets for purposes of providing a final committee report to the President.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the President that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
  4. When the report from the committee is transmitted to the President, the President shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall consult with the Board Chairperson before appointing a Provost. The President shall inform the Faculty Senate, in executive session, and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the President shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Faculty Senate upon recommendation of the President. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Senior Vice President for Strategic Planning and Initiatives

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for screening and selecting a Vice President will be initiated when the President officially announces to the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a), and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The President will notify the Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The President shall select a Vice President.
    2. The President shall select two technology representatives, one from the Macomb campus and one from the Quad Cities campus.
    3. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean representative.
    4. Four faculty members will be selected by procedures established by the faculty senate; two each from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses.
    5. The offices of Academic and Student Services and Instructional and Administrative Services from the Quad Cities campus shall select a representative.
    6. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the civil service employees from the Quad Cities campus.
    7. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the administrative employees from the Quad Cities campus.
    8. The Student Government Association from the Quad Cities campus shall provide a student representative.
    9. A representative from University Technology shall be appointed by the President.
    10. The chair of the search committee shall assign an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    11. At the President's discretion, additional employees from any constituent group may be selected.
    12. A representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    13. The President shall appoint the Chair of the committee.
  3. Responsibilities of the Search Committee
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Vice President. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality. The committee shall ordinarily recommend to the President at least three candidates.
    2. The committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: The President, Deans, faculty, Department Chairs, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association, Vice Presidents, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, and such others as may be specified by the President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the President. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. This information shall be provided to the President with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the President that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons for this determination.
  4. The President shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall inform the Board Chairperson before appointing a Vice President. The President shall inform the Faculty Senate and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the President shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Vice President, Administrative Services

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for the appointment of a Vice President for Administrative Services will be initiated when the President officially announces to the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a) and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The President will notify the Faculty Senate, Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The President shall select a Vice President.
    2. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean.
    3. A Department Chair shall be selected by the President from nominations from the Chair's Council.
    4. One faculty member shall be selected by procedures established by the Faculty Senate.
    5. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the Division of Administrative Services.
    6. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the Division of Administrative Services.
    7. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall provide a student representative.
    8. The President shall select two representatives from the Directors in the Division of Administrative Services.
    9. The chair of the search committee shall select an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    10. At the President's discretion, additional employees from the Division of Administrative Services may be appointed.
    11. A representative of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    12. The President shall appoint the Chair of the committee.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Vice President for Administrative Services. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality. The committee shall ordinarily recommend at least three candidates to the President.
    2. The committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: the President, Vice Presidents, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association, Deans, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, and such others as may be specified by the President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it shall recommend to the President. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. This information shall be provided to the President with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the President that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
    6. When the report from the committee is transmitted to the President, the President shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall consult with the Board Chairperson before appointing a Vice President. The President shall inform the Faculty Senate and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  4. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation the President shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  5. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Vice Presidents upon recommendation of the President. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Vice President, Advancement and Public Services

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for the appointment of a Vice President for Advancement and Public Services will be initiated when the President officially announces to the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a) and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The President will notify the Faculty Senate, Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The President shall select a Vice President.
    2. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean.
    3. A Department Chair shall be selected by the President from nominations from the Chair's Council.
    4. One faculty member shall be selected by procedures established by the Faculty Senate. Preference will be given to a current or former faculty representative to the WIU Foundation Board.
    5. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the Division of Advancement and Public Services.
    6. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the Division of Advancement and Public Services.
    7. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall provide a student representative.
    8. The WIU Foundation Board shall select two representatives.
    9. The President shall select one representative from the Directors in the Division of Advancement and Public Services.
    10. The chair of the search committee shall select an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    11. At the President's discretion, additional employees from the Division may be appointed.
    12. A representative of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    13. The President shall appoint the Chair of the committee.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Vice President for Advancement and Public Services. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality. The committee shall ordinarily recommend at least three candidates to the President.
    2. The committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: the President, Vice Presidents, Deans, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Associations, the WIU Foundation Board, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, and such others as may be specified by the President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the President. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. This information shall be provided to the President with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the President that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
  4. When the report from the committee is transmitted to the President, the President shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall consult with the Board Chairperson before appointing a Vice President. The President shall inform the Faculty Senate and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the President shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Vice Presidents upon recommendation of the President. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Vice President, Student Services

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for the appointment of a Vice President for Student Services will be initiated when the President officially announces to the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a) and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The President will notify the Faculty Senate, Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The President shall select a Vice President.
    2. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean.
    3. A Department Chair shall be selected by the President from nominations from the Chair's Council.
    4. One faculty member shall be selected by procedures established by the Faculty Senate.
    5. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the Division of Student Services.
    6. The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics or designee.
    7. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the civil service employees within the Division of Student Services.
    8. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall provide two student representatives.
    9. The President shall select two representatives from the Directors in the Division of Student Services.
    10. The chair of the search committee shall select an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    11. At the President's discretion, additional employees from the Division may be appointed.
    12. A representative of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    13. The President shall appoint the Chair of the committee.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Vice President for Student Services. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality. The committee shall ordinarily recommend at least three candidates to the President.
    2. The committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: the President, Vice Presidents, Deans, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Associations, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, and such others as may be specified by the President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the President. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. The information shall be provided to the President with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the President that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
  4. The President, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall consult with the Board Chairperson before appointing a Vice President. The President shall inform the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Associations, and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the President shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Vice Presidents upon recommendation of the President. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Technology, College of Education and Human Services, and College of Fine Arts and Communication

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for screening and selecting a Dean will be initiated when the Provost officially announces to the President, the Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a), and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The Provost will notify the Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Associations that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean representative.
    2. The Chairs' Council shall elect a Department Chair representative from the respective college.
    3. The Faculty Senate shall elect a faculty senator from the respective college.
    4. Six faculty from the departments shall be elected by, or shall be selected by, procedures established by the Faculty Senate. Preference will be given to selecting at least one member who has graduate faculty status.
    5. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide a representative from the civil service employees within the unit for which the search will be conducted.
    6. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the administrative and professional employees within the unit for which the search will be conducted.
    7. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall provide one undergraduate and one graduate student representative from the unit for which the search will be conducted.
    8. The chair of the search committee shall select an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    9. At the Provost's discretion, additional employees from any constituent group may be added with the proviso that faculty majority shall be maintained.
    10. A representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    11. The Provost/Academic Vice President shall appoint the Chair of the committee from amongst its members.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the Provost and the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Dean. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position both from among the faculty and from those not presently serving on the University faculty in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality.
    2. The search committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: Deans, College faculty, College chairs, Vice Presidents, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Associations, and such others as may be specified by the Provost or President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the Provost. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. This information shall be provided to the Provost with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the Provost that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
    6. The committee shall ordinarily recommend to the Provost at least three, or a previously agreed upon number, of candidates.
  4. The Provost, in consultation with the President, shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall inform the Board Chair of the appointment of a Dean. The Provost shall inform the Faculty Senate and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the Provost shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Faculty Senate upon recommendation of the Provost. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.

Dean of University Libraries

These procedures are established in accordance with WIU Board of Trustees (BOT) Regulations, Section II.A.5a.

  1. The process for screening and selecting a Dean will be initiated when the Provost officially announces to the President, The Board of Trustees (BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3a), and the Faculty Senate that there is a vacancy or that there will be a vacancy at a specific date in the future. The Provost will notify the Council of Administrative Personnel, the Civil Service Employees Council, and the Student Government Association that a committee is to be formed.
  2. The search committee will be composed as follows:
    1. The Provost and Academic Vice President shall select a Dean representative.
    2. Three faculty from the library shall be elected by, or shall be selected by, procedures established by the Faculty Senate.
    3. The Faculty Senate shall elect a faculty senator.
    4. The Civil Service Employees Council shall provide two representatives from the civil service employees from the Libraries.
    5. The Council of Administrative Personnel shall provide a representative from the administrative and professional employees from the Libraries.
    6. The Student Government Associations from the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses shall provide one undergraduate and one graduate student representative from the unit for which the search will be conducted.
    7. The chair of the search committee shall select an individual to serve as recording secretary of the search committee. This individual will be an ex-officio member.
    8. At the Provost's discretion, additional employees from any constituent group may be added with the proviso that faculty majority shall be maintained.
    9. A representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access shall serve as ex-officio member of the search committee.
    10. The Provost shall appoint the Chair of the committee from amongst its members.
  3. Responsibilities of the search committee:
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee to work closely with and advise the Provost and the President regarding the recommendation for the position of Dean. To this end, the committee shall actively seek qualified candidates for the position both from among the faculty and from those not presently serving on the University faculty in a manner designed to ensure candidates of highest quality.
    2. The search committee shall arrange for the top candidates to be interviewed by the following: Deans, Library faculty, College chairs, Vice Presidents, additional constituent groups as desired by the committee, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Associations, and such others as may be specified by the Provost or President.
    3. Prior to scheduling interviews, the committee shall provide a brief resume of the professional qualifications of the candidates to all groups.
    4. When the committee has agreed that there are no additional candidates whom they desire to interview, the committee shall begin the process of selecting the candidates that it will recommend to the Provost. Prior to making its recommendations, the committee shall solicit the views of the various persons listed in b. This information shall be provided to the Provost with the final committee report.
    5. The search committee shall prepare a report for the Provost that lists the strengths and concerns for each candidate interviewed. Acceptable candidates are to be ranked in order of preference based on strengths and weaknesses. Any candidate determined to be unacceptable by the search committee should be noted, with specific reasons indicated for this determination.
    6. The committee shall ordinarily recommend to the Provost at least three, or a previously agreed upon number, of candidates.
  4. The Provost, in consultation with the President, shall make the final selection. In accordance with BOT Regulations, Section II.A.3c, the President shall inform the Board Chair of the appointment of a Dean. The Provost shall inform the Faculty Senate and the search committee of the name of the person hired.
  5. If a candidate is not selected from the search committee's recommendation, the Provost shall, in consultation with the search committee, instruct the committee to resume its search for satisfactory candidates or dissolve the committee and order the creation of a new committee in accordance with these procedures.
  6. Modifications or interpretations of these procedures must be approved by the Faculty Senate upon recommendation of the Provost. Affirmative Action and equal opportunity hiring guidelines will be adhered to throughout the search process.