
University Policies

Approval Date: 3/16/06
Approved By: President

Policy for the Change of the Purpose of Classrooms

The purpose of this document is to establish a process for changing the purpose and/or usage of classrooms or other academic spaces on the Macomb campus.

The designation of rooms in academic buildings as classrooms, laboratories, or other types of instructional or non-instructional spaces has been established through an academic facilities inventory completed in June 2005 and maintained by the Registrar. The Registrar is responsible for the scheduling of classes in all classrooms on the Macomb campus and accomplishes this through collaboration with academic units. The use, assignment, or rekeying/recoring of these spaces cannot be changed to non-instructional purposes except by approval of the Provost. All classrooms are to be considered for general assignment by the Registrar unless authorized by the Provost for the exclusive use by a specific school, college, or department.

The process for changing the designation of such rooms is as follows:

  1. Requests for a change in the purpose of classroom spaces must be submitted by a dean to the Provost. The request, which explains and justifies the requested change, should be submitted in advance allowing enough time to accommodate changes in scheduling of facilities (which is done a year in advance).
  2. The Provost consults with the Registrar and others, as appropriate, on the impact of the proposed change in designation or usage.
  3. A decision to change the designation of a classroom from instructional to non-instructional usage, from general assignment to exclusive use, or from exclusive use to general assignment will be communicated in writing by the Provost to the Registrar, the Requestor, the Building Representative, and Planning and Design.