University Policies
Approval Date: 08/10/95
Approved By: President's Staff
Policy on Use of University Facilities
Each facility on the University campus is an educational resource planned and designed to enhance and enrich the learning experience. Inasmuch as the facilities are to be used primarily for purposes related to the University's missions of teaching, research, and public service, they are not available for unrestricted use for other purposes.
The University, however, recognizes a responsibility to provide for the use of facilities by organizations not associated with the University when it is determined that:
- The use is consistent with the policies established by the President and in compliance with state statutes and/or administrative rules when applicable;
- The use is consistent with the University's missions of teaching, research, and public service; and
- The institution will not be in direct competition with private commercial interests in providing use of facilities.
University facilities can be made available for events and meetings sponsored by University groups and organizations, non-University groups and organizations, or individuals. Use of University facilities for official activities or by University groups and organizations shall have priority over use by non-University groups and organizations or by individuals. Events sponsored by non-University groups and organizations or by individuals must be educational, cultural, or social significance or must serve the general community welfare.
´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University reserves the right to deny the use of its facilities and properties to any organization whose activities or intentions are not consistent with the University's mission, policies or procedures, or are in violation of state or federal law.
- "Facilities" include the buildings and grounds which are under the administrative control of the President of the University.
- "Managing authority" means the President.
- "Organizations associated with the University" means that the organizations are officially recognized staff or student groups or administrative or academic units.
- "Organizations not associated with the University" means
that the organizations are not officially recognized staff or student
groups nor administrative or academic units.
For the purpose of this policy, a "non-profit" organization is an organization which is registered by the State of Illinois and/or has been awarded tax exempt status by the federal government and/or is so designated by the University. All other organizations are to be considered "for-profit" organizations. - "Staff" means all employees of the University.
- "Student" means any person who is registered for study in the University for the current academic semester.
- "Visitor" means any person who comes to see a person or spend some time on campus, whether for social, business, or professional reasons.
- "Guest" means a person who has been invited to the campus.
Use of Facilities by Organizations Associated With the University
- The President, or his or her designee, shall permit organizations
associated with the University to use facilities for events for staff
and/or students or for the public, where he or she determines that:
- The proposed use will not interfere with, or detract from, the teaching, research, and public service missions of the institution.
- The institution has appropriate facilities available for the proposed use.
- The organization seeking to use the facility has complied with applicable institutional procedures adopted pursuant to appropriate statutes and administrative codes.
- Organizations using University facilities under this section may be required to reimburse the institution for the costs, if any, incidental to the use of the facilities.
- Organizations using University facilities under this section will not normally be required to pay rental charges.
- Organizations using University facilities will be required to complete the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University Scheduling Request Form.
Use of Facilities by Organizations Not Associated With the University
- The President of the University, or his or her designee, may permit
organizations not associated with the University to use University facilities
where he or she determines that:
- The proposed use is under sponsorship, or at the invitation of, an organization associated with the institution or is determined to be consistent with the University's missions of teaching, research, and public service.
- The proposed use will not interfere with or detract from the teaching, research, and public service missions of the institution, or the use of the facilities by organizations associated with the institution.
- The institution has appropriate facilities available for the proposed use.
- The organization seeking to use the facilities has complied with applicable institutional procedures adopted pursuant to appropriate state statutes and administrative codes.
- Organizations using University facilities under this section will be required to complete the Request to Use University Facilities Form, will normally be required to pay rental charges for use of facilities, and will be required to comply with insurance requirements that are outlined in the Responsibility/Liability of Sponsoring Organizations section of this policy.
Access to Public Events Held at University Facilities
- It is the policy of the University to ensure maximum access to public events held in University facilities, consistent with the legally recognized rights and interests of performers, lecturers, artists, and speakers.
- Where an organization has secured the use of University facilities for a public event, any contemplated restriction or condition on access to the event must be made known prior to the event and must be embodied in a written statement with the institution, which agreement shall be open to public inspection. However, such agreements may not deny or restrict access to University facilities in a manner contrary to other applicable laws or regulations or on any basis prohibited by law.
Institutional Procedures
The President of the University, in consultation with appropriate staff and students, has developed procedures for the administration of this policy. The final decision regarding any specific area or related facility shall be made by the respective vice president(s) or designee. All requests for facilities and arrangements must be made by completing the ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University Scheduling Request Form and complying to insurance requirements when applicable.
Responsibility/Liability of Sponsoring Organizations
Organizations or individuals not associated with the University are required to either:
- Provide to the University a certificate of insurance, including the Board of Trustees and ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University as an additional insured, for no less than $1,000,000 combined limits; or
- Purchase coverage for the event through the Master Venue Program.
The Master Venue Program, which provides affordable General Liability insurance, is available to tenants, users, and renters of ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University facilities. Protection is provided against negligent acts for which the group or organization may be held responsible for property damage or bodily injury. ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University is named as an additional insured. The cost of the coverage is a per day charge based on the type of event and number of people attending the event.
The organization shall assume full responsibility for the conduct of any patron, guest, or visitor who attends an event they are sponsoring. ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University assumes no responsibility for supervision and/or chaperoning any event scheduled in campus facilities.
Any sponsoring organization or individual using University facilities assumes responsibility for maintaining the condition of the facilities during its use. The organization or individual shall be responsible for all damage to, or misappropriation of, University facilities or equipment occurring as a result of the use of facilities. This responsibility includes damage or misappropriation by all non-University attendees. The organization or individual will be held liable for reimbursement to the University for any such damage or loss.
If events require extra set-up, janitorial services, Office of Public Safety personnel, utilities, or other specialized services, the actual cost will be paid by the requesting organization. The sponsoring group is responsible for any damages or clean up to the facility in which the event is held.
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