
University Policies

Approval Date: 11/12/2012
Approved By: President

Smoking/Tobacco Use Policy

The State of Illinois enacted Public Act 095-0017 which restricts smoking on all state properties. This policy incorporates the requirements of Public Act 095-0017.


Smoking is prohibited in all facilities at ´ºÓêÖ±²¥ Illinois University:

  • Inside all buildings/facilities, to include stadiums, gymnasiums, or other similar places where the general public may assemble;
  • Inside University vehicles
  • Within a distance of 25 feet from building entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited.

Smoking Receptacles will be removed from any area where smoking is prohibited in compliance with the new state law.

The use of smokeless tobacco is also prohibited where student activities and/or learning takes place. This includes: classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and facilities where student conferences and meetings occur. Included are University vehicles when students are present. Smokeless tobacco is further prohibited inside all buildings/facilities, to include stadiums, gymnasiums, or other similar places where the general public may assemble.

Definition of Smoking

The carrying, smoking, burning, inhaling, or exhaling of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other smoking equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of substance.

Definition of Smokeless Tobacco Products

Smokeless tobacco consists of the use of snuff, chewing tobacco, smokeless pouches, or other forms of loose leaf tobacco.

Smoking Related Complaints

Smoking related complaints should be directed to the building representatives. In cases in which deliberate and continual violation of this policy occurs, complaints should be forwarded to the Vice President for Administrative Services, Sherman Hall 200. Complaints referencing students should be forwarded to Student Rights and Responsibilities, Seal Hall. Action will be taken by the applicable unit.

Employee Assistance

The University will allow employees to attend clinics to quit smoking during regular working hours. The employee may elect to use sick or vacation leave time. Further information about employee assistance programs (EAP) to quit smoking may be obtained at the Human Resources Office, Sherman Hall 105.