
Beu Health Center

Medical and Religous Exemptions

Medical Exemption

  1. A student may be exempted from one or more of the specific immunization requirements specified in this part upon acceptance by the designated record keeping office of a written statement by a physician indicating the nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstances that contraindicates such immunization(s), identifying the specific vaccine(s) which could be detrimental to the student's health.
  2. Female students may be granted temporary exemption from immunization against measles, mumps, rubella and meningitis if pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is certified by a written physician's statement.
  3. If student is on an approved schedule of receipt of all necessary doses of Td vaccine, the student will be granted temporary medical exemption for the duration of the approved schedule.
  4. If a student's medical condition or circumstances later permit immunization, the exemption(s) granted shall thereupon terminate and the student shall be required to obtain the immunization(s) from which the student has been exempted.
  5. Any student granted a medical exemption will be notified of disease outbreaks and required to leave campus until the danger has past

Religious Exemption

A religious exemption may be granted upon receipt of a written and signed statement by the student and their parents or guardians (if students are under the age of 18) detailing the student's objection to immunization on religious ground. The objection must set forth the specific religious belief that conflict with the immunization. General philosophical or moral reluctance to allow immunization will not provide a sufficient basis for an exemption to statutory requirements. Students/parents seeking religious exemption should fill out the Religious Exemption Request form as well as the Communicable Disease Outbreak Control form and turn these forms in to the Beu Immunizations Compliance Officer.

Contact Us

Beu Health Center
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455

Phone: (309) 298-1888
Fax: (309) 298-2188
Email: beuhealthcenter@wiu.edu