
Assessment, Accreditation and Strategic Planning

Student Learning Assessment Committee (SLAC)

Mission and Purpose

This team of faculty and administrators, having major responsibilities for assessment at WIU, serves to make sure that assessment of student learning is appropriately conceptualized and effectively implemented.

SLAC membership includes:

  • Associate Provost
  • Assessment Coordinator
  • Faculty Senate representative
  • Graduate Council representative
  • Council on General Education representative
  • Associate Dean, Teacher Education
  • Associate Dean, CAS
  • Associate Dean, CBT
  • Associate Dean, COFAC
  • Associate Dean, COEHS
  • 1 or 2 Additional Members (if needed to ensure representation from every college)

At WIU, the Student Learning Assessment Committee reflects the cooperative nature of the faculty-administration assessment enterprise.

Within this context, SLAC serves to:

  1. provide institutional oversight of assessment of student learning;
  2. identify issues and concern to be taken to the Faculty Senate, the Graduate Council, the colleges, and departments;
  3. provide support to Faculty Senate, the Graduate Council, colleges, and departments when necessary;
  4. work with necessary administrative offices (e.g., Registrar, IRP, Deans); and
  5. share information about assessment activities in the different areas of the university.