
Board of Trustees

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Approved: November 16, 2001
Section V. Administrative Affairs
Subsection: H. University-Related Organizations

  1. General
    University-related organizations include foundations, alumni associations, athletic associations, and other not-for-profit organizations established for the purpose of assisting the University in the accomplishment of its educational objectives.
  2. Audit Commission Guidelines
    The relationship between University-related organizations and the University shall be governed by the University Guidelines 1982 (as amended 1997) issued by the Legislative Audit Commission. The University shall develop a written contract describing this relationship with each of its university-related organizations. The contract shall be submitted to the President for review and shall be subject to approval by the Board.
  3. Establishment of University-Related Organizations
    Proposals to create a new University-related organization shall be submitted to the President for approval or for review by the Board before the organization is established.
  4. Contributions
    A proposal shall be submitted to the Board by the President describing any significant commitment of Board resources for the operation, maintenance, or administration of a contribution to a University-related organization intended for use by the University. Approval of the Board shall be required before such a commitment is made.
  5. Reports
    Quarterly reports to the Board shall be presented by the President on contributions to University-related organizations.